The Lead Awareness Training course will inform students of the dangers of lead, the industries and locations in which lead is common, and the methods to protect themselves from exposure to lead.
Module 1 – Lead Based Paint Information
1. Define “lead-based paint” in accordance with Federal standards.
2. Describe the health risks to children and adults associated with lead.
3. List the reasons lead-contaminated dust poses health risks to children and adults.
Module 2 – Regulations
1. Identify the differences between lead abatement activities and lead renovation, repair and painting.
2. Define “Target Housing” as specified by the RRP Rule.
3. Define “Child Occupied Facility” as specified by the RRP Rule.
4. Identify activities covered/excluded under the RRP Rule.
5. Indicate when an owner can opt out of RRP Rule.
6. List a firm’s responsibilities as a “Certified Renovator” including recordkeeping requirements.
7. List the responsibilities of an individual “Certified Renovator”.
8. State the civil penalties for violation of the RRP Rule.
9. Recognize when the HUD Lead Safe Housing Rule is in effect.
10. Explain differences between the RRP Rule and the HUD LSH rule.
Module 3 – Before Beginning Work
1. Define the requirements for distribution of the Renovate Right pamphlet under the Pre-Renovation Education (PRE) rule.
2. Indicate the recordkeeping requirements of the PRE rule.
3. Explain that many pre-1978 homes contain lead, especially those built before 1960.
4. Identify the choices available for pre-work lead testing by Certified Renovators.
5. State the requirement to report lead test kits result to clients within 30 days of use.
Module 4 – Containing Dust
1. List the benefits of “Containment”.
2. Explain containment requirements for interior renovations including covering of floors and furniture, closing and sealing doors and vents, and posting signs.
3. Explain containment requirements for exterior renovations including covering the ground, closing doors and windows, and preventing migration of dust.
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